
On December 3 and 4 2020, the international MicroNanoConference 2020 will be organized as a virtual online conference. This conference provides a platform where micro technologies can find a way into the macro world. MinacNed welcomes everybody to join!

The International MicroNanoConference brings together science and industry to showcase how micro- and nanotechnology help addressing our societal challenges: Nano4Society. Like every year, we will focus on four sub-themes:

This year, a special focus session will be organized around this year’s fast innovations in Health and how a network of universities and tech companies can help with finding innovative solutions to future challenges. More information will be updated in the coming weeks on the iMNC2020 website.

Whether you work in science, in industry or in a SME, whether you are an end user or in any other way involved in microsystems & nanotechnology: come and join us in December!

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